Canine Country Raw Food (BARF) - Offal Blend Pick Up Only
Canine Country Raw Food (BARF) - Offal Blend Pick Up Only
Pick Up only from the clinic. No other shipping available.
Canine Country rolls do not include Offal in their barf blends to accomodate the breeds of dogs who cannot tolerate Offal for medical reasons. E.G Dalmatian’s consuming low purine diets. Offal is an essential part of the raw food diet as it provides necessary minerals and nutrients that are required for proper heart, brain and bone development. We recommend feeding it with every meal. Offal liver and secreting organs should form 5% of the total amount of food you feed your dog. Fresh is always best however, dried versions are also available on our website under Winnie’s Favourites if you like to use offal for treats or under Canine Ceuticals powdered blends.
Offal trays make it convenient to do so coming in smaller easy to defrost portions of blended organ mix to hit those dietary targets.
Blend of Kangaroo and Goat.
- Liver
- Trachea
- Heart